Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coin Tip: The Suzy Orman 4 Penny Rule

This is for all you coin people that just despise the copper (a.k.a. pennies)...

A while back I was reading a MSNMoney.com article from Suzy Orman who wrote The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke (which is a great read even for the older folks) and she wrote about the "4 Penny Rule."

The ideal is to always carry four pennies with you in your wallet or purse. This means that you will always get some type of silver coin back if you use the pennies. In my last entry I spent $5.43 and received 57 cents back in change. If I had given the cashier an extra three pennies, I would have recieved 60 cents back, which would likely be all in silver coins.

Certainly having $10 in quarters, $5 in dimes, $2 in nickels would be much nicer to have than just 50 cents in pennies wrapped up and ready to be Ca$hed right?

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